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Do you want to be a tech apprentice? We’re hiring

An image of tech apprentices sitting together at a table with laptops open

Are you looking for a role fit for our digitally connected world? Want to make a different in people’s lives and support the safety and security of the country? Our apprenticeships are now open.

Calling all graduates - join the Home Office and kick-start your digital and tech career

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Image of computer keyboard

Are you a recent graduate with a love of digital, data and technology? Would you like the opportunity to experience a broad range of digital and tech functions before choosing a specialism? The Home Office DDaT Dynamic Development Scheme is now open to graduates. Read on to find out how to apply for the scheme.

Analyse, project manage, or engineer this… apprenticeships now open at the Home Office

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: apprenticeship, Business Analyst, Project manager
Photo of two apprentices sitting at a computer at the Home Office

Looking for an apprenticeship as a project manager, business analyst or infrastructure engineer? Want to work on some of the most fascinating digital, data and technology programmes in the market and in government? Apprenticeships are now open at the Home Office.

What are we doing in DevOps at the Home Office?

Posted by: , Posted on: - Categories: DevOps, Recruitment
Image of Head of Software Engineering at DDaT Home Office, Will McGeehin

People in DDaT at the Home Office are working on cutting edge stuff: Kubernetes, Docker, Terraform and Amazon Web Service across a number of platforms. Will McGeehin, Head of Software Engineering, talks about the evolving interpretations of DevOps at the Home Office and what you can do to get involved.