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...been promoted to Interaction Designer. She tells us more about her experiences on the programme below. My pathway into a digital career I discovered my passion for User Experience (UX)...
...create clear, user-led content. Together we build simple, easy to use services. It’s not about what users like, or prefer It’s about understanding user need, and meeting those needs through...
...published. A screenshot of the final guidance on GOV.UK available at Iterating based on analytics data and user research User-centred design teams change frequently, so it’s unusual to see... and stages also changes how we might approach user research. Why would we only do user research within 1 project – which is itself a unit that has a...
...curve at first, getting used to a new role and a new organisation. But with the support of my project team, manager, and mentors it didn’t take long to settle... attract new talent into the civil service. At the moment, internships are offered in the user research and interaction design professions, but next year we’ll extend the scheme to...
...the aim of creating positive social change. Though it was really interesting, I wanted to learn new research skills and to gain more experience in the digital world. While I’d...
I’ve just completed my first month at Home Office Digital as a new User Researcher, having transferred here from Natural England - part of Defra - following a stint on...
...for end-to-end digital services. Although I was familiar with the role of user experience designer, I hadn’t previously heard of interaction design. In government, user experience is the responsibility of...
...We’re hiring user researchers, service designers, content designers and interaction designers at all levels – from interns to heads of profession. Build government services that work for all users User...
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